Get familiar with our newest BKnect businesses!
Get in touch with our newest selection of BKnect businesses and see what goods and services they have on offer.
See how you can get on The BKnect Marketplace
Find out how easy it is to sign up to BKnect and get your business up and running in minutes.
First, choose a plan to suit your budget and strategy.
Then, use the registration form to create your business 'Profile' listing page.
As you go through the registration process, give your prospects all the information they need to select you as their chosen business.
The BKnect team can publish your BKnect business profile online.
Once you have completed your registration, it is cleared by the BKnect team. You are then ready to start selling offers, coupons, deals, services, host events, and sell tickets.
As soon as your BKnect business profile goes online, your business listing page becomes visible to our users and search engines.
Your company website and BKnect business profile page gain SEO ranks, and search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many others - see your business on the BKnect Marketplace.

The BKNECT Marketplace App: Coming soon...
Growing your customer base and increasing collaboration has never been easier. The BKnect App is being built so potential customers can reach out to the businesses they need for the services they want, and black businesses can reach out and manage their BKnect business profile pages like an online virtual office/shop and marketplace.
Our mobile app will provide convenience and ease of use, whether you’re looking for services and products, or managing your BKnect business profile page.
All you need is here
Great exposure
We promote the BKnect Marketplace on all the major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, whilst ensuring all business profiles and their websites are visible on all the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
The BKnect Marketplace puts your business in front of your ideal potential customers.
The best products & offers
The BKnect 'Black Business' Marketplace lets you create and sell a multitude of services, deals, offers & coupons dependent on your chosen BKnect package.
Providing services, offers, deals and coupons is the ideal way to:
- grow to increase your sales,
- enhance brand awareness,
- grow social media fans/followers,
- build strong reputation, and create customer loyalty.
The best events
The BKnect Marketplace lets you host events and display them on your BKnect business profile.
Your business may host online events like webinars, coaching sessions, consultancy services delivered via services like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Events at locations like galleries, exhibition halls, business centres, clubs and event venues can be advertised to reach thousands of people from here.
BKnect...available all the time and everywhere!
Whether you’re using your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop you can access the BKnect Marketplace where ever you have a connection.
Explore amazing places & sites
Discover new places and experiences, nightlife, tourist spots, the BKnect Marketplace can help you discover new and amazing places, experiences, and services.
Take advantage of our products, services, and offers
Enjoy our wonderful events
The BKnect Marketplace events section hosts a multitude of different events, from book readings, consultancy, coaching, courses, music events, parties, and much more. You can show your event on your BKnect profile and also sell tickets for your events.
If you’re a black-owned business and want to know more about how to use the BKnect Marketplace, then why not check out our tutorial videos.
How the Appointments system works on the BKnect Marketplace
In this video we show you how to link your business to another Business on the BKnect Marketplace.
How to link your business to another business
In this video we show you how to link your business to another Business on the BKnect Marketplace.
How to use the Quote request system
In this video we show you how to make use of our Quote Request system on the BKnect Marketplace.
Check out some of the BKnect Marketplace events
Special Offers
Take advantage of our everyday offers, keep checking weekly and daily. You never know when you may see that irresistible offer!
Discover the world of The BKnect Marketplace
Our goal:- create an international online black owned businesses marketplace where anyone can find black businesses to do business with, whether its 'Customer-to-Customer' (C2C) or 'Business-to-Business' (B2B) all over the world. This encompasses a quarterly fee based on a chosen package, no percentage fee per transaction, and ensuring that our customer's visitors and businesses alike benefit.