1 Hour Coaching Call via Zoom

 53 16 BLACK PRINCE ROAD, LONDON SE11 6HY, Greater London, United Kingdom - Map Directions

Old price:
GBP 200.00
GBP 140.00

30% OFF

15 February 2021 - 14 August 2021 15 February 2021 14 August 2021
Type Services discount

Effective successful coaching is all about you, it’s coaching “the person” not the issue. For example, instead of creating a pros and cons list to solve a difficult decision, you could ask what is it about this decision that is so hard for you? Answering a question like this puts the spotlight on you, your values; and most importantly what is driving your decision making. This in turn increases your self awareness which lies at the core of coaching.

We are offering 30% discount for all Bknect members for an a 3 month coaching plan.

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About "BKnect"

The BKnect Marketplace is a place of value for black professionals and black businesses.  BKnect is a black-owned business, promoted, designed, hosted, and marketed online by black business owners.
